Benefits for Students
This group will solve all your problems while putting money into your pocket, help nature, foster friendships, cure diseases and save puppies.
Share and sell your study material, look for accomodation or other life hacks
If you have stuff that you don't need, but that you held onto dearly and are willing to give away, share or sell at affordable prices to your fellow students, then this is the group for you.
Three steps to join the HSG community!
1Submit details
Full Name and Facebook email.
2Pay easily
Via Credit Card
3Start sharing
Admission within 72 hours.
Not sure if you want to join?
This is what you get.
Study tips, study material, hacks to pass every exam.
The latest gossip, from the university, from town.
Find apartments, homeboy flat mates, IKEA interiors.
Exclusive student deals.
Always know where the best parties are.
Job offerings and internships for students.
Everything you need to know
1. Why do I have to pay for this group?
2. Do I have to pay again in case I leave the group?
3. What do you do with the revenue?
4. Why don't you charge an entry fee for other groups?
5. Is the advertising revenue not sufficient to cover the costs incurred?
6. What happens after the payment? How do I get admitted to the group?
7. Help! I did not receive an email invitation to join the group. What should I do?